We have a small setup of vCAC 6.0 environment. We were not aware of the validity of the SSL Certificate. We came to know that the certificates are invalid (validity was over since it was more than a year old). So we followed the blogpost http://cloudrelevant.com/category/general-cloud-automation/page/2/ and vCAC 6.0 documentation vCloud Automation Center Documentation to replace the certificate (they both have the same procedures in it). Followed the procedures mentioned, but while trying to update the certificates on IaaS using this "vcac-config.exe DownloadRootCertificates --RootCertPath
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Website\SSO root.cer"
--SignCertPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Website\SSO
signing.cer" –v" we are facing some error. The error messages are attached.
Not sure is it something do with the OS? FYI, the firewalls is off. I am able to ping IA and VA from IaaS and resolve their hostnames as well.
Hope any one from the communities can help us on this.