Hi All,
I installed vCAC plugin 6.0.1 on vCO 5.5.2 and added several vCAC CAFE hosts (for different tenants) to inventory.
But all my attempts to perform any request to vCAC CAFE host failed with the error: 401 Unauthorized.
For example, if I run the sample workflow "Library/vCloud Automation Center/Samples/List catalog items" I receive the following Error in vCO log:
[2015-01-22 03:42:36.616] [I] Host: DynamicWrapper (Instance) : [vCACCAFEHost]-[class com.vmware.o11n.plugin.vcac.model.VCACHost] -- VALUE : vcac6 [https://vcac6.hfr.mydev.com/] [vsphere.local]
[2015-01-22 03:42:36.616] [I] User: administrator@vsphere.local
[2015-01-22 03:42:37.251] [I] 401 Unauthorized (Workflow:List catalog items / List catalog items (item1)#5)
(Full log in attachment)
In additional, all folders in vCO inventory for vCAC CAFE hosts are empty:
Considering the logs on vCO configuration server the root of this problem is the same:
2015-01-22 04:09:20.368-0800 [http-bio-] WARN {} [RestTemplateIpv6] GET request for "https://vcac6.hfr.mydev.com/component-registry/endpoints/types/com.vmware.csp.core.designer.service.api/default" resulted in 401 (Unauthorized); invoking error handler
2015-01-22 04:09:20.368-0800 [http-bio-] ERROR {} [InventoryService] findChildrenInRelation error! host: vcac6 (80de8859-bdee-459f-b4c2-1b06341fdccf), type: VCACHost, id: 80de8859-bdee-459f-b4c2-1b06341fdccf, relationName: ResourceAction, exception: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 401 Unauthorized
(Full log in attachment)
Could somebody advise me what could be root of this issue and how it could be resolved ?
Thanks in advance!
What is interesting that IaaS service works fine at the same time: API calls works correct from vCO workflows, inventory node of IaaS instance contains all appropriate objects.
My enviromnet is:
vCAC: 6.0
vCenter Orchestrator: 5.5.2
vCenter Orchestrator vCAC plugin: 6.0.1