I know that this topic has been picked up before. Since vCAC 6 the old e-mail templates on the vCAC Server are, for the most part, not being used anymore. The notifications sent out by vCAC are composed usind the velocity templates, located on the vCAC Appliance under /usr/lib/vcac/server/webapps/notification-service/WEB-INF/classes/templates
The e-mail generated using those templates lack a lot of information and I would like to include some vm properties (like name, owner, dc location, vm folder etc) with them. So far I have succeeded only in adding some text into the /usr/lib/vcac/server/webapps/notification-service/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/html/extensions/csp.places.iaas.forms.vm. After restarting the vcac service the new text is shown in the notifiaction e-mail. I've tried to include a new property in the e-mail, for example VirtualMachine.Admin.Name, the property is assigned to the VM as soon as the request is submitted. I've defined a new variable in the csp.places.iaas.forms.vm file, using the same syntax as the rest of them found in the file. After saving and resetting the vcac service the new notifications don't include the change. I've tried the same for the UUID and the VM Owner Name, with no success.
I don't really know my way around the templates (altohugh it seems simple) and the official documentation doesn't include any information about them.
Any useful information is greatly appreciated, this problem is driving me nuts lately:/