Hi All,
A workflow has the following inputs. There is dependency between fields( __reservationID depends upon Zone and Zone depends upon Replication etc)
Data Center( datacenter1, datacenter2)
Environment( production, development)
Replication( replicated, non replicated)
Zone(linux zone1, linux zone2…n, windows zone1, windows zone 2….n)
A user has to select the above input parameters and depending upon the selection the corresponding __reservationPolicyID will be set which will take care of vm placement on the right cluster. There is one to one mapping between zone and __reservationPolicyID. The above can be achieved in VCAC by creating input dependency between fields( relationship and valueExpression). The issue is after replication field value is selected it shows replicated zones for both windows and Linux. How to avoid this since user is already in Linux or Windows blueprint and it should show only corresponding linux or windows zones.