I'm a fairly new user to puppet and AppD.
I installed the puppet manifest files following this post Quick Start Guide: Application Director and Puppet Enterprise Integration
The services show up after the import.
Then I integrate Puppet Enterprise using the RegisterWithAppD.rb following this post http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2068342
PE shows up as a new deployment environment. And I can successfully validate the connection.
When I try to deploy a new application (With any of the imported puppet services), I get A "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact your system administrator." error on Step2: Application Properties.
I do see an error in Catalina.out on the vAPPD server (see attached error log).
Nov 17 2014 19:41:04.901 INFO [http-bio-8443-exec-9] [vsphere.local:dog@lab.local] com.vmware.darwin.web.service.deployment.DeploymentProfileController - Convert deployment profile to flow. id=0
Nov 17 2014 19:41:04.923 ERROR [http-bio-8443-exec-9] [vsphere.local:dog@lab.local] com.vmware.darwin.aop.main.ExceptionTranslatorAspect - A service exception occurred: null
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
Did I miss a step somewhere?
Oh, using the same template, I can deploy the sample Apache service without any issues.
Thanks in advance.