I'm installing vCAC 6.1 from scratch and am attempting to entitle a group of users to my first catalog item. When I'm on the Administration > Catalog Management > Entitlements tab and type in "domain admins" or "domain\domain admins" to find a user I just get "No data to display."
I thought my identity source was the issue so I double checked that...
And the strange thing is I can search that identity store when I'm under Administration > Groups
I'm not sure why I can't search for users and groups above but I can search for them in the administrator > groups option. I've been stuck on this for about a day and can't get anywhere. I've rebooted the identity va, the vcac va, and the iaas server. The va logs don't show anything is wrong either.
I've been walking through some youtube videos by Yves Sandfort. I've watched all the videos in the series and followed everything but at 10:08 in the video I get to a stopping point.
VMware vCAC 6.0 - Basic Hypervisor Blueprint by Yves Sandfort - YouTube
I'm new to vCAC so I could have done something wrong. I hope its that simple. Let me know. Thanks!