Came across this while provisioning EC2 from VCAC 6.1 REST API - I launched firebug after making a request to a VPC-backed instance (think t2.micro instances that have to be behind VPC)
{ "key": "provider-__amazon.subnetId", "value": { "type": "string", "value": "8" } }, { "key": "provider-__amazon.securityGroups", "value": { "type": "string", "value": "24,32" } }
Those values don't make sense to me in either a vCAC or AWS perspective. Perhaps these values are local to vCAC? Indexes in arrays?
The reason I'm suspicious of this is when I look at how the "Provision Into" field is generated:
{ "key": "provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.ProvisionInto", "value": { "type": "string", "value": "2" } }
I realized that "2" is the zero-index of the array being used to populate the dropdown for provisioning location (see attached vcac-index.png).
I guess my question here is - what referencing value do I use to assign EC2 subnets and security groups?