Hi all,
I've come across an interesting one with vCAC 6. I have a vCloud Director endpoint in my vCAC implementation. Blueprints are populated by vApp templates from a vCD public catalog. All the templates have vNic0 set to 'static IP pool' to get an address, as there is no DHCP in the cloud tenants. Data collection, deployments etc are all working fine - it's just that the networking piece isn't working and it's driving me nuts!
I have a network profile defined in vCAC, that mirrors the pool defined on a vCD external network. Organisation networks direct-connect to this external network - all tenants share the same IP space (private 172.17/16) when connected to this network.
The issue comes on deploying a vApp template. The vApp template is deployed successfully, with a parent vApp 'wrapper' around the child VM within the VM container. In vCAC, the network profile for the network allocates 2 IP addresses from the range to the new vApp - the first to the child VM and the second to the vApp parent 'wrapper'. Only problem is that in vCD, the child VM is using the IP allocated by vCAC to the parent. This means that vCAC cannot RDP to the child on deployment.
e.g. vApp 'jer-test' is deployed, containing Windows Server 2008 R2 VM 'vm-cloud-01'. vCAC allocates 'vm-cloud-01', and 'jer-test' vCD / vCenter confirm 'vm-cloud-01' has been allocated IP!
Anyone know why this might be - why the profile is allocating the wrong IP to the guest OS inside the vApp?
(As an aside, I have several build profiles, and this happens with them all enabled or disabled!)
Any thoughts much appreciated.