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vRA SNOW Plugin timeline for compatibility with ServiceNow Kingston


Is there any roadmap/timeline for support of existing and comming ServiceNow releases?

Problem with code stream management pack for it devops 2.2.1


Hi, I've just installed the code stream management pack for it devpops 2.2.1 following the installation guide with 2 vra server 7.3, patch for licensing, package installed on orchestrator and workflow run correctly.

I've setup 2 endpoint related to my other productive vRA installation (7.3):

- one to the vra internal orchestrator

- one for the vra itself


I've tried now to import some package from orchestrator (action or workflow) or vRA (blueprint) but it seems that the importing is stuck at the initial step. The request seems to be stuck:

RSA SecurID fails when a user change to a new token




We have implemented RSA SecurID authentication for vRA 7.3 and it works fine, but if a user changes their token, they can't log in anymore. For instance they buy a new phone and needs to get a new token for their user account. The new token works fine with all other SecurID services we have. We have tried deleting the old token from the RSA server, but still no success.


Anyone ever had this issue or got any clue on what may cause this?





Clarity on "vRealize Automation agent"

Does this include management agents?  I believe this phrase indicates proxy agents only?

vRA 7.3: How to reconfigure CPU/Core/Socket for VM Item?




By default vRA configures number of vCPU as number of sockets. In some cases I need 2 sockets and 4 cores = total of 8 vCPU's (Windows 7 limitation).


I use System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.request").requestResourceAction(operation,inputs) action with properties below to reconfigure VM.


//Create a properties object for the inputs
vmProperties = new Properties();

// Mandatory inputs:
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.Requestor" , "service@domain.local");
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.Storages" , "[]");
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.Networks" , "[]");
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.ExecutionSelector" , 1);
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.CpuCount" , newCpuCount.toString());
vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.PropertyBag" , '[{"PropertyName": "VirtualMachine.Core.Count","PropertyValue": "2"}');

vmProperties.put("provider-Cafe.Shim.VirtualMachine.Reconfigure.MemorySize" , newMemorySizeMb.toString());


Core.Count is ignored!


How do I solve this issue?



If I use the “VirtualMachine.Core.Count” custom property on the VM in the blueprint and do a new deployment, the VM will have the number of cores per socket as configured. This works.

If I do a “Reconfigure task” on an VM Item in vRA and set custom property “VirtualMachine.Core.Count” it is ignored.


Use case:

                    Windows 7 only supports 2 sockets.

                    Windows server 2008 Enterprise supports only 8 sockets.



Issue with vRA 7.3 while creating a request (submitting a request template) through REST API


Hi All,


We've XaaS blueprint with Map field and by default few values are added into the field.



We can see the same default values in request template like below


 "Map": {            "componentTypeId": null,            "componentId": null,            "classId": "Map",            "typeFilter": null,            "data": {                "Disk": "C",                "Memoru": "100"            }        }


But when we post the same template back to vRA, we are getting below error for Map field


{    "errors": [        {            "code": 10101,            "source": null,            "message": "Invalid argument.",            "systemMessage": "Field Map has a NULL schema (ComplexDataType[componentTypeId=null, componentId=null, classId=Map, typeFilter=null, label=null, schema=null])",            "moreInfoUrl": null        }    ]


Any idea, What I am missing here ?

Is there a way to access the payload of VCACVM Properties in a XAAS blueprint without using the Event Broker? #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeOrchestrator


I have a workflow as XAAS blueprint. I want to attach this to another blueprint and use the vm provisioned details to perform some actions.

Is it possible to access the properties without using the Event Broker?

vRA 6.2.5 with vSphere/vCenter 6.5 (U1)


We currently have a complex environement with many components that we need to upgrade.

Like vSphere 5.5, vRA 6.2, vRO 6.0.3, NSX 6.2.4, and many other components either from VMware or third party.

For most reasons, we want to go to vSphere vCenter 6.5 U1.


Due to a lot of compexity inside vRA and vRO, we are unable to oversee an upgrade from 6.x to 7.x at the same time.

(going through all the changes inside vRA and the vRO workflows, with all external systems, would take a couple of more months)


In the compatibility matrix we see that vRA 6.2.5 is compatible with vCenter 6.5, but it's not listed to be compatible with 6.5 U1.

On the other hand we cannot find vRA 6.2.5 to be incompatible with vCenter 6.5 U1.


Does anyone have any experience with vRA 6.2.5 and vCenter 6.5 U1?



MY VRA vami page is giving failed to initialize alert on browser.

can anyone help ???


Reinstall all certificates nothing happen.

is there any way to remove all certificates ??

7.3 Custom Property "Show in Request" at BG Level shows both at Deployment AND Machine levels


I have a situation where I have a property where the value needs collected for only one BG.


The blueprints are shared for all BGs so I put the new unique property at the BG level. Well, it shows twice, once at the deployment level then again down at the machine component. Is there any way to have this property only shown once?

DynamicOps.Tools.EncryptionKeyTool.exe Error, Padding is invalid and cannot be removed


I am upgrading a vCAC 6.2.3 environment to vRA 7.3 and getting a failure when migrating the SQL db.  I am able to un-encrypt the dB and upgrade the scheme however when the migration tries to re-encrypt the db it fails.


2018-03-14 7:51:40] D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Database\sqlcmd.exe -S XXXXXXXXXX -d XXXXXXXXXX -b -i C:\Users\sXXXXXXXXXX AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8B66.tmp

[2018-03-14 7:51:42] Executed C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXX AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8B66.tmp.

[2018-03-14 7:51:42] Clear database encryption hash: Succeeded

[2018-03-14 7:51:42] D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\ConfigTool\EncryptionKeyTool\DynamicOps.Tools.EncryptionKeyTool.exe re-encrypt-database -pk ****** -nk ****** -cs "Data Source=XXXXXXXXXX ;Initial Catalog=dXXXXXXXXXX ;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=200;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=200" -v

[2018-03-14 7:51:43] DynamicOps.Tools.EncryptionKeyTool.exe Error: 0 : Cannot re-encrypt value C1F0YRuzUmh1ppIKyAY3SePH3s8zI6eZ9hhgWihcmoI= of item 57d5aae6-2652-4825-abdd-2b1f1e63f9e3 in table [dbo].[Credential]: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.


The only thing on google is for vRA 7.2,  but the hotfix doesn't apply to 7.3.  Since it referenced MS Framework 5, I went ahead and uninstalled it.  Still receiving the error.  Has anyone seen this before?

Add Note in VRA for Customer


Hello Everyone,

In our vRA Environment, we would like to add a note when user add or modify the disk from "Reconfigure". This note is to inform customer that they have to extend or format the raw partition from OS. 

is it possible to add this note or message under reconfigure section?



Milind MK.

Add AD Group Managed Service Account


I am having problems finding a way to add a GMSA with an orchestrator workflow.


Any suggestions

vra VC:virtualMachine action error "The connection to vCenter Orchestrator server timed out."


Hi All,


I have created an workflow in vro for some VC:virtualMachine operations. it is working fine in vRO.

I have created an custom action "custaction" for VC:virtualMachine resource type then published and added to entitlements.


Now in items tab after selecting VC:virtualMachine resource i.e. abc123 vm->actions->custaction.


below is the error message.

this message will shown just after 30 seconds.


Note: vRO workflow selects VM in 32-35 seconds.


Please help in resolving this issue.




How to make dynamic folder creation in vSphere for vRA blueprint deployments?


Hello and good day!


Im trying to figure out how to make a dynamic folder created  when a user requests a vRA blueprint and have those machines from that deploy dumped into that folder.





What im aiming for is that when a user requests a blueprint in vRA, the request page asks what their name is.

When  the machines are created/deployed from that blueprint/request, a folder would be created in vSphere that would be labeled with the username that was provided through the request form, and all those provisioned machines would then be dropped into that folder.


Ive ran across the custom property of VMware.VirtualCenter.Folder, which works fine if  I manually put in the info into the blueprint properties,  but of course every time that blueprint is ran, it puts all the provisioned machines in the same folder.  Im aiming for the value of that property be dynamic and based on the info provided in the blueprint request form.


Hope this makes sense.


Any general help would be appreciated.


Eventually, id like the folder to be created with the info of <user+time/date>, but for starters and for my understanding, if i could just get it created dynamically with the user name, that would be a good start.



Thank you

Re-authenticate settings resets to 30 minutes after vRA services restart or reboot


Re-authenticate settings resets to 30 minutes after vRA services are restarted or vRA appliances are rebooted.

Do you happen to know how to make my setting permanent?

XAAS blueprint to deploy VRA blueprint - Identify AWS Key Values




I have managed make a XAAS blueprint to deploy a VRA Blueprint, but im getting stuck at the below when deploying.


In my reservation if i select the various AWS Security Groups they all get added to a machine if i leave the section blank, so when i try to manipulate the json data to select one i get the below error.


(com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.request/requestCatalogItemWithProvisioningRequest) Error in (Dynamic Script Module name : requestCatalogItemWithProvisioningRequest#0) [Rest Composite Exception]:  ( [Rest Error]: {Status code: 400}, {Error code: 20117} , {Error Source: null}, {Error Msg: The data specified within the request is invalid.}, {System Msg: The data specified within the request is invalid.} )  ( [Rest Error]: {Status code: 400}, {Error code: 11011} , {Error Source: null}, {Error Msg: The value for the 'amazon_securityGroups' field is not a MultipleLiteral but the field is defined as MultiValued.}, {System Msg: The value for the field id amazon_securityGroups is not a MultipleLiteral but the field is defined as MultiValued.} )



Below is the code of json that i need to fill in(i need it filled in like this because this is how vra sends it when i inspected it.)


{"key":"amazon_provisionInto", "value":{"type":"string", "value":"subnet"}}

{"key":"amazon_securityGroups", "value":{"type":"multiple", "elementTypeId":"INTEGER", "items":[{"type":"integer", "value":805}]}}


below is my json code


// this code works

json.app.data.amazon_provisionInto = "subnet";


json.app.data.amazon_subnet_id = 18;


//this code doesnt work

json.app.data.amazon_securityGroups = 805;




I have added the subnet in a VPC code and the subnet id code to show code of mine that works.


Anyone have any ideas as to why the AWS security group one fails?

Event Broker for failed requests


Does anyone know what settings i could use in the event broker to capture all events for any request that has failed, looking to send a more user friendly email then the ones VRA has.

Restric access to System Directory in vRA




We want to restrict users from trying to log in to the System Directory in vRA. How can we accomplish this? We feel it's a security concern that any user can try to log into vRA via the System Directory. I have tried to restrict access using Network Ranges, but any network are still able to log in.





How to query the list of vRA 7.3 identifiers for AWS subnet


How do you query vRA to obtain the integer value for amazon_subnet_id given the AWS identifier for a subnet?


I have a vRO action to dynamically identify the AWS subnet given several parameters chosen in an XaaS blueprint.  That action returns a value (i.e. subnet-abcd1234).  I can pass the AWS subnet identifier to a blueprint using the API and do not get an error (json[bluePrintId].data.amazonSubnetId = "subnet-abcd1234)";

However the value seems to be completely ignored and the EC2 instance is put in a different subnet.

If I instead use the integer value I found from past provisioning requests (json[bluePrintId].data.amazon_subnet_id = 123;) the EC2 instance is put in the desired AWS subnet.


How do I either

1. Query vRA for the integer value that matches the AWS Identifier I want (i.e. lookup subnet-abcd1234 and have it return 123)


2. Pass the AWS identifier to the provisioning request so that it isn't ignored.

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